As a response, Project Monarch was established to study Godzilla and any other monster-like organisms in secrecy. But in the Monsterverse, these bombings were a failure and were unable to kill Godzilla. Sidenote: this lines up with the timing of Operation: Castle, a real-world series of nuclear bombing tests actually conducted by the US military at Bikini Atoll between March and April 1954. That same year, Godzilla was lured to the Bikini Atoll in an attempt to kill him with a nuclear bomb. This is the first recorded time humans became aware of monsters, and their response was decidedly violent.
In 1954, a deep-sea expedition awakened a creature named, you guessed it, Godzilla. And in the earth, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Neither man can do anything about it, seeing as they’re stranded on Skull Island, but this is the first canonical appearance of Kong, resident of Skull Island, though Kong and all the other monsters likely have a very long precedence on earth. Kong: Skull Island opens in 1944 during World War II as an American and a Japanese pilot fight after emergency-parachuting onto an island in the South Pacific where they're interrupted by a familiar gigantic ape.